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  • Writer's pictureTrix Cruzales

Helena Bonham Carter

A woman with so many faces,

In every possible role she aces,

She can be anyone around you,

Or she could be you.

She combines darkness with elegancy,

As she held the abyss with absorbancy,

To bring forth a wonderful performance full of accuracy,

That will make your emotions a little bit bouncy.

She was once the wife of the great Tim Burton,

Together they brought a lot of ton,

Even though their relationship had end,

Their work still hasn’t met its end.

Let me introduce you to Mrs. Lovett

Have some of her lovely meat pie,

I’m sure you’re goanna love it,

If I say it’s not made of human meat well it’s a lie.

All hail the Red Queen of Heart,

Kneel before her to receive a heart full of peart,

Thus let me warn you that she’s not a sweetheart,

Because she has a blackheart.

Make a wrong move…

Off with your head

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