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  • Writer's pictureTrix Cruzales

Closer To You

Hey, I don’t mean anything that could make you leave,

Emotions that I might give you, please don’t heave,

Please stay, even though we’re not bonded together by a weave,

I just want to be closer to you, so don’t leave.

When fear finally left me, I was able to tell you what I feel,

To make my fear go away, I made myself kneel,

So that I could finally tell you everything, that I kept,

The feelings and emotions I felt for you, you don’t have to accept.

The thing is, I don’t know you that all too well,

But I’m all ears and interested to hear all about you, if you don’t mind to tell,

I want you to be a part of my life, but you don’t need to put me in your world,

I’m sure by now you want to leave; I think all of this will just be in my dreamworld.

Is there a chance to be closer to you?

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