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  • Writer's pictureTrix Cruzales

Darkness of the Asylum

There is something strange and uncontrollable in my mind,

For those who’re unable to find the answer are blind,

My hidden emotions and personalities must not be concealed,

Thus the condition I ‘am in is not something that is needed to be healed.

I know I’m okay and there’s nothing needed to be fixed,

Putting me in here will only make everything all mixed,

I’m absolutely normal with no mental illness,

You all just want to hide us all from the world nonetheless.

In every moment and in every turn I feel depression,

The feeling of gloom is taking over me in aggression,

There isn’t really any point to live in the world full of false happiness,

So I’d rather stay locked up in my world I call sadness.

My schizophrenia disorder is not something to fear,

It’s just that I can hear things you can’t hear,

And I can see incredible things you can’t see,

At least we both know I’m insane don’t you agree?

I’m happy to be here with everyone being so nice,

But I hate everyone that’s why I treat them all as mice,

So let’s be friends or you could be my new best friend,

If I were you get away from me or I’ll kill you fiend.

Life within the asylum is a must not for me,

The outside world is where I want to be,

If you all can’t accept my mind makes everything pointless,

Then you are the ones with mental illness.

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