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  • Writer's pictureTrix Cruzales

Gambling Gambit

I’m a cajun gambler always ready to gamble,

And you my Chere, will no longer be untouchable.

You may saw me before as a former thief,

I may stole your heart and I’m still alive is a relief.

I’ll gamble my life to touch you flesh to flesh,

Let me feel your untouchable skin that so fresh.

One touch from you might give me some serious hurtin,

But I’m willing to take that risk for you and I do no blurtin.

If you’re afraid to kill me with your touch,

Try me and you’ll not hear a single “ouch!“.

I can show you my love without physicality,

Because making you feel loved is one my new found ability.

Call me ‘sugah’ as long as you want,

Just say that word and I’ll be by your side in an instant, my Chere.

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