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  • Writer's pictureTrix Cruzales

White Queen

My name is Emma Frost,

I have a heart that is as cold as snow.

I also have beauty and sex appeal to show,

Starring at me will make you at lost.

I have the ability to read and control your mind,

With powers or without I can make you go blind.

I can also turn my soft white skin into hard rock diamond,

Because I have unlimited abilities that goes beyond.

At some point I was able to obtain the power of the Phoenix,

It turned my powers broken and in no way to fix.

I am still known as an Omega Class Telepath,

So still beware or you will taste my wrath.

Don’t be fooled by my soft appearance,

I can take you down with a single glance.

I started out evil and bad,

Switch side to good is the best decision I ever had.

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