Happy Birthday, Ms. Glodo
I wish you, to always be happy.
Don’t think of yourself as scrappy.
Goodluck with your journey.
You are smart and not a gooney.
You have an unforgettable beauty.
A likeable personality that makes you a cutie.
Eyes I would like to look at for eternity.
Your gorgeous smile will always be lovely.
You are strong and independent.
No one should dare make a dent.
Still, I wish you to be careful.
I know you will always be successful.
Happy Birthday and I love you
You made a large impact in my life.
I will never forget you even if I ever have a wife.
The unforgettable happiness and joy you brought.
Will always be enough.
You are the one that got away.
Unforgettable until this day.
The Harley Quinn to my Joker.
A person I could say my lover.
Sorry for wasting your time on me.
The problem is not you, it’s me.
I love you, but you deserve better.
Someday, you’ll find a keeper.
Happy Birthday, Guia Glodo
I Love You