I can live my life independently.
Be on a relationship, there's still tendency.
I will not cling on the past.
The last heart break will always be last.
Those who forgets the past are condemned to repeat.
Happy to repeat but will no longer admit defeat.
My history made me stronger.
Being dependent, I no longer hunger.
My beauty should not be washed away by tears.
I know what it feels to be hurt from all these years.
Doors and windows will stay open.
I'll still let them in, let's see what happens.
I will walk through the lights.
Eyes on me while I shine at night.
I'm beautiful, fearless and confident.
I deserve all of your compliments.
'Love thyself' means 'Realize yourself'.
Know your worth, know thyself.
I'm the only one who knows my own happiness.
But will not be akin to vanity and selfishness.