He is a loa of Haitian Vodou.
Well known by those in the Bayou.
The leader of the Guédé family.
As they embody the powers of death and fertility.
He is a loa of the dead.
With an appearance like of an undead.
Top hat, face painted skull, dark glasses and black tail coat.
How stylish he may be, he’s still a loa who likes to gloat.
Notorious for his outrageous behavior.
Always making planned deadly disruption.
But to does on the verge of death, he could be your savior.
As he is also known as the loa of resurrection.
His actions always showing obscenity.
To satisfy his never ending debauchery.
A particular fondness for tobacco and rum.
Also chasing mortal women for a taste of yum.
Master of the dead, also giver of life.
It’s up to him, if you’ll go to the afterlife.
Master of Vodou curses and black magic.
In the end, things will still be tragic.