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  • Writer's pictureTrix Cruzales


(Red Operations)

Deadlier than black operation.

Will act given relevant information.

Beware of our process and formation.

Don't underestimate our reputation.

Handle concerns on red alert.

Resolutions and actions we don't divert.

In our operation, we are chill and relax.

But when there's a job, we act.

Close case after resolution but marked as resolve.

In every case we close, we make sure to evolve.

To prevent cases unclaimed or left in pending.

We make sure the solution is already sending.

Try to underestimate us for your case to be no response.

You will never hear from us ever again even once.

We have leaders and supports with eyes deadlier than snipers.

Their bites are strong and venomous as vipers.

Be unsatisfied to hear the voice of snowball.

Tremble in fear once you receive a call.

They will make you understand and make you feel dumb.

After the call, you will feel like a sore thumb.

By the end of the day, we sleep and rest.

But of course, after drying the queue and doing our best.

Don't ever try to mess with R-ops agents.

They're deadly and on high alert, so be patient.

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