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Remember the Past Makes Me Smile

Sometimes when I’m alone I suddenly smile, A smile that I haven’t done for awhile, Remembering something from the past, Made me think...

Until We Meet Again

I’ll be going first to the other side, Doing an unpredictable suicide, Putting that to action with full of pride, That’s a dream I no...

Weapon of Respect

Weapons are tool of war and destruction, Turning mankind into an abomination, But there are two known as one shows respect, Only having...

My Last GoodBye

It looks like this is really the end, Life hurts so much it made me bend, To this world I no longer blend, In my last goodbye I wish no...

Towards the Death of Life

Life and death are the start and end, Death is the end for life to attend, Date of death is marked and can’t be extend, There is no...


This poem has no title, Give it one that is gentle, But as firm as of a castle, And not as soft as a bottle, Even though it’s not a...

Reason and Purpose

Reason is just a fact, Purpose is done by an act, Reason is the same as fiction, Purpose in the other hand is non-fiction. Reason is the...

Mind of the Blazing Blizzard

We live because of fear, Maybe because we know the end is near, Some live with no reason, And just went with the flow of the season. Fire...

Let Me Die

Don’t dare to stop me, Just let me be, To this world I end my tie, Let me die. No more reason to let me stay, Don’t get in my way, On...

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